strawberry bun
Mame Kenshin
{pronounced} Mah~May
Server: Crystal
Realm: Balmung::Profile::
Date of Birth: 30th sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Place of Birth: Somewhere in the woods of Orthard
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Viera
Social Class/Community Status: paid assassin
Chocobo: Shinkou::Physical Description::Height: 5'7
Weight: 130
Hair: born with white, but through some lifetime experiences {and her inner beast} it has been slowly turning pink
Eyes: bright gold
Detailed Physical Description:
Standing at a typically tall height for some species, she actually stands rather short for her kind. It has also caused her to have more defined curves due to her "shortness". Her face is soft and sweet with light pink freckles that match her light pink hair. They typically only show the most when she is blushing. She does have a fluffy bunny tail that rests right above her bottom. Through out her travels and time, she has also acquired a tribal marking on her nose.
Typical Clothing/Equipment:
She has grown accustomed to wearing things from around the Orthard area. Also the most comfortable to wear for her line of work.
Mame is very soft and sweet natured. Could rub off as shy at first, but once she gets to know you, she becomes rather loud and brass at times. Through and through she treats her friends like family and she would protect them with every fiber of her being. She would rather die then see her "family" in any kind of pain.
Mame has recently picked up the ways of the ninja, finding the practice finally has caused her inner beast to be caged, making her finally more in charge of herself for the first time. Becoming more calm has opened many doors for her to unleash even more talents within her.
She has surprisingly picked up the habit of cooking and baking which she is shockingly good at.
Also is good at her job as a assassin, but will only take on jobs that she deems fit.
Her new found family
Nature walks
Sharpening her daggers
Drinking sake
Most Hated/Dislikes:
Being alone
Not being useful
Just looking for a real home so that she can stop wandering about. Then continue to adventure. Exploring everything that needs to be explored and helping those in need. But to always have a nice home to return to.
Knows how to wield many different weapons and is best at hand to hand combat. And she will never stop until the job is done even if it would cost her her own life.
Can get emotional when friends are in danger, causing her to be more reckless and not think straight.
Losing more than what she already has.
Attitude Toward Death:
It's just apart of life and how things go. Nothing to be upset about, just carry on and cherish what you are experiencing now.
Walk the light of the crystal
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Her large fluffy bunny ears and bun tail always give away at how she is truly feeling, to her dismay. She might be found grabbing one of her ears, bending it down and holding it shyly, only in hopes to keep it still during emotional moments.
She has a obsession with flowers and gardening because of the small fragments that she did have of her actual bio family. She loves to bask in flowers in hopes to catch more memories.
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:
She is a panromantic/demi. She is known to just love who she loves, whoever it may be and does not let things like gender or race bother her. Once she is in a serious committed relationship, she is the most loyal and devoted to her partner. Giving her all in the relationship.
Place/Type of Residence:
Currently resides at the inn in Kugane until she finally finds herself a real home.
cook, guard, assassin for hire
Place of Work:
Usually find her in Kugane or in Limsa, looking for jobs
Scent: She smells of strawberries with a hint of cream.MUST BE 18+ TO BE ABLE TO LOOK AT MAME ART